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Drugdu.com Bringing You to Global Medical Exhibitions Your RFQ is Promoted Globally
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In order to help you find the best matches with suppliers, Ddu now brings you a new function: Sync to Global Exhibition. When posting a RFQ via our App, you are able to select upcoming pharmaceutical or medical device exhibitions where your RFQ will be displayed to more global suppliers. How to join:If you haven’t downloaded the Ddu App, please search for Drugdu.com on the App Store or on Google Play to install it. Alternatively you can download the App by scanning the QR code below.
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Please open the Ddu App and select “Sourcing” to post your RFQ(s). Detailed information is required. Select “Sync to global exhibition” and choose the exhibition(s) you are interested in.Select “Submit”.
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At the Exhibitions:A LED screen is setup at the exhibition to display all the RFQs to suppliers.
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Ddu’s Global Promotion Plan:Click here for Ddu’s Global Promotion Plan in 2017, from where your RFQ(s) will be displayed at global exhibitions to quality suppliers.Medical Device ExhibitionsPharmaceutical Exhibitions